Thursday, 27 October 2011

West Midlands Softball Training
On the 23rd October the Bobcats undertook their own marathon in the heart of the city– although theirs did not cause traffic chaos! 
In preparation for the Monmouth Tournament the Bobcats invited the Leamington Hawks, NFU Stratford and the West Midlands Razorbacks to Hallfield for a training session and friendly game.  Unfortunately the training was held on the same day as the Bupa half marathon, which had closed most of the roads in and around the city centre.  It was tough enough for the Bobcats to get to their usual ground never mind for the Hawks and the Razorbacks.  For Stratford it proved too much and after an hour of driving round the city they were defeated.    
Quentin started the afternoon with a series of warm up exercises – ranging from the norm to the extreme. 
 Bobcats (left to right): Ross, Trent, Jeff, Chris, Jayne and Chad

 The Pterodactyl!

Although it is hilarious to watch, take my word for it – it was tough. 
And this was just the start!

After warming up there were several throwing and batting practises.  The teams were split up into small mixed groups with the intention of teaching each other new techniques and skills. 
 Throwing practices - tip: when throwing ground balls do not put camera on the floor!

 Players from the West Midlands Razorbacks and Leamington Hawks doing some batting practices

 Hawks and Bobcats

Bobcats, Hawks and Razorbacks all training as one!
Everyone found the experience rewarding.
Quentin then spilt the group into three teams for a game.  Everyone played really well – both on an individual basis and as a team. 

Jayne hits to third and makes it to first!

 Saps at the plate.

 Meg (Bobcats) at second, surrounded by Nathan (Razorbacks) and a Hawk

Quentin (Bobcat) as umpire and Pete (Razorback & Bobcat) as catcher.

It was fantastic to get three different teams playing, coaching and developing their skills together over a beautiful afternoon.  We hope to do more afternoons such as this next year so we can develop not only our softball skills, but also unite to create a stronger baseball and softball presence in Birmingham and in the West Midlands. 

The Leamington Hawks
The West Midlands Razorbacks

The West Midlands Softball and Baseball Teams

A big thank you to the Razorbacks, Hawks and NFU Stratford for joining us for a fantastic afternoon.   

Bobcats October Committee Meeting 2011

Below is a summary of the minutes from the October Committee meeting.  The next meeting will be the AGM and all members are invited to attend - an email will be going out shortly with details.   
In attendance:  Alex (Chair), Justin (Secretary), Debbie (Treasurer), Kate (Social), Reinout (Player rep), Chris.  Guest: Will Lintern
Treasury report
As usual Debbie has looked after the accounts perfectly and everything is in order. 
Review of 2011 Season
Overall a good year for the club - well attended training sessions, 34 paid members on the books, an overseas trip and a good showing in tournaments (although there weren’t enough of them).  Disappointments included lack of Brumball and cancellation of Diamond Series games.  However, the committee has learnt a lot this year and we are very confident for 2012. 
Goals 2012
  • Hold charity tournament at start of season (no Brumball in view of this)
  • Widen membership to 50 people, especially encourage female players
  • Enter more tournaments and continue to hold friendly games with Leamington, Stratford, Razorbacks and possibly Leicester. Consider having the above friendlies once a month? (Possibly evenings) Kate to develop with her contacts.
  • Kate to also further develop links with Bristol, Leicester and Manchester leagues for further tournament and game opportunities.
  • Coaching courses – Will advised level 1 course on 19th and 26th November in Coventry. After discussion it was agreed Bobcats should send 3 people on level 1 course and it has subsequently been agreed that Saps, Meg and Kate will attend this. Quentin will remain Head Coach and will work with BSUK to acquire Level 2 qualification. 
  • Umpiring – Dovetailing umpiring courses with Leicester in March 2012.
  • Hallfield as a venue is okay but may look at more specialist ground.  Alex to investigate.
Goals Long-Term
A 5 year plan was brainstormed and a document is currently being prepared by Chris and Kate.  The plan will be presented at the AGM.
Charity Tournament 2012
A meeting was held in early October to discuss the logistics of the tournament.  The next stage is to organise a meeting with Birmingham Children’s Hospital to determine a date.  The venue will be Hallfield.  Kate, Alex and Reinout to pursue.
Will’s Views
Basically BSUK goal is to encourage more players and more teams – 40 odd by 2013. 
With regards to the Bobcats, he would like to see 3 or 4 qualified coaches, work towards accreditation and enough members for 2 more teams.
More funding may be available for certain things, enquire to BSUK via him.
Indoor League
Chris and Alex have visited the Kingsbury site and decided on which ball to use.  Draft information pack was handed out, minor changes needed.  Kate and Chris will prepare posters/advertising, after which Chris will prepare a launch.   Will encourage Razorbacks and other West Midlands teams to join us. 
Christmas party 10th December at Bennetts, Kate’s flyer refers.  Next year the ‘official’ social events will be limited to three – Start of Season, End of Season and Christmas.  Other social events will revolve around tournaments. 
Kit Update
Meg and Jeff responsible for looking into new style kits, Facebook correspondence refers
Annual General Meeting
Originally suggested to be before Christmas party, but subsequently decided to arrange a separate meeting. Date and venue to be confirmed and JE will invite all paid members to attend.  The AGM will present the 5 year plan to the members and future responsibilities will be allocated.
Other committee meeting will be held early January to discuss more detailed plans for 2012 season.
JE and AL are attending League Heads Forum on 26th November.

Monday, 10 October 2011

End of Season Awards

On 8th October the Bobcats held their End of Season Award ceremony.  The nine awards summed up all aspects of the Bobcats - determination, enthusiasm, dedication, team spirit etc – not just performance and skill.  The winners were voted by the Committee as the best in their category for the year 2011. 

The results were as follows:

Top of the Litter Award (Rookie of the Year): Rosie Benson

Sharpen Those Claws Award (Most Improved): Trent Nash (who unfortunately was not available  to accept his award)

On the Prowl Award (Defensive Most Valuable Player): Chad Farmer


On the Hunt Award (Offensive Most Valuable Player): Quentin Young:

The Pride Award (Best Team Player): Debbie Evetts

Smitten Award (Most Valuable Supporter): Jim Kent

Cat-Nip Award (Most Enthusiastic Player): Pete Burgess

Cat-astophe Award (Self-Sacrificing, Most Injured Player): Chris Williams

Purr-fect Award (Best Overall Player): Tad Ukai

We have had such a fantastic year and the committee would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the season.  However, the committee would also like to make a few special mentions to the following:  

·         Quentin Young for taking on the role of Coach and doing a grand job.
·         Will Lintern for helping out this season and generally joining in– long may it continue. 
·         Saps Patel and Chris Williams for looking after the Kit. 
·         Chris Williams for the Newslitter and all round contribution to the club.
·         Reinout Mildner for co-organising the Netherlands Trip
·         Jim Kent for the documentaries and continued determination despite injury.
·         Debbie Evetts for collecting money and assisting with social events
·         Steve Pinnell for doing the website.
·         Jeff for the trophies and raffles – and sponsorship.

 Although officially it is the end of the season, there is still plenty in store over the next couple of months so keep checking the blog ...

End of Season Social 2011

Following the success of last year’s End of Season party, the Bobcats returned to Bowlplex at Five Ways for an evening of fun, frolics and awards!  Twenty five bobcats turned up – which was a fabulous turnout!  After a quick catch up (and examination of the new indoor softballs) the Bobcats started bowling. 

The first game was surprisingly won by Kate with 139, followed by Chad.  She has declined to be pitcher next year. 

Following the game, Alex presented the End of Season awards – see following blog update for details.  After much congratulating the Bobcats returned to bowling – which was won by Alex with 184. 

The evening was a great success and much fun was had by all.  Here are a selection of photos from the night: