Thursday, 17 May 2012

Bobcats on the BBC:

On the 28th March the Bobcat’s Marketing Manager Kate featured on Mike Taylor’s sports programme on BBC radio WM.  In her typical enthusiastic style Kate promoted the new season and encouraged anyone that wanted to try the sport to get in touch.  On the 18th April Mike invited Sapin into the studio to discuss the upcoming Birmingham Derby charity softball tournament. 

Could the Bobcats become a regular feature?  We definitely have plenty of stories to tell.

Tournament Two: Manchester FirstBall 2012:

They said we shouldn’t do it. They said the Bobcats weren’t ready. They were wrong ...
  Bobcat Roar!

On the 14th April the Bobcats entered their first competition level tournament. It was a gamble, but after winning the East Midlands Firstball 27-3 it was a risk worth taking. It was the Bobcats first time in the North-West and they were definitely the underdogs. They were the only touring team in the Comp Tournament and although they were made to feel very welcome, it was asked on several occasions why the Bobcats were there – ‘don’t take this the wrong way but aren’t you guys supposed to be in the Rec.’ The answer - No. We had something to prove. 

The Field.

The first game of the tournament and we won 10-6 to the Bullfrogs. No one could quite believe it – especially not the Bobcats who, as every Bobcat supporter knows, they don’t usually do so well in their first game. The team also consisted of several new players– one of which got horribly lost in Manchester and only arrived 1 minute before the game started, and our manager had just heard her granddad had died. In spite of this the Bobcats pulled through and played some great softball – especially from Tad and Chad who scored home runs and hyped up the team spirit.

Chad's first Home Run.

In the second game Jhune scored a fantastic home run, but it was not enough to hold back the top-league Outlaws. Yet the Bobcats did not just fold over; they gave them competition and showed them the potential of the West Midlands.

Rhi safe at first.

The third game was against the Mavericks. The Bobcats have never had such an exciting and electrifying game. Everyone was on the edge of their seats -the tension was immense. This is what Softball is all about. We were down 5-7 and Debbie, with two outs and bases loaded, was up. The pressure was immense – could she perform – of course she could! She hit a single that managed to get all three lead runners in, scoring three points and taking us to 8-7. The Bobcats went on to win 11-7. 

Debbie charging home plate.

Our last game of the day was against the Brewers and unfortunately we lost 14-5. But nothing could overcome the fact that the underdogs had a fantastic day and proved to the other teams that the Bobcats were not push-overs.  

Tad making batting look effortless as usual.

After a successful day the Bobcat retreated to their hotels to freshen up before the evening's entertainment - a mass team pub crawl in Didsbury.  However, the travellodge had double booked the girls room and could only offer a room in their sister hotel located near the airport.  Luckily the Bobcats rallied to the cause and by shifting people around the team were able to sort out the girls out with a room. 

Jack, Dylan, Tad, Pete and Sap at Frankie and Benny's.

Fourteen Bobcats went to dinner at Frankie and Bennys and had a thoroughly good time.  However, only six made it out to the 2012 Manchester FirstBall Pub Treasurehunt Recruitment Crawl.  The idea was that each team would wear full colours to spread the Softball 'Gospel to the heathen flock of Didsbury' (or so it said in the handbook).  So six trepid Bobcats ventured out on to the streets of Disbury, only to find that they were the only team in uniform.  Did it put these fantastic felines off - it certainly didn't.  Their pride made them stand out and those around looked them looked upon them with awe.  Needless to say it was a good night.  The Bobcats met the organisers of the Manchester Softball League and developed good networking opportunities.  Plus there was beer.

The Bobcats networking in team colours.

The Bobcats had a slow start to the second day - surprisingly not related to the beer comment above.  The team obviously felt the effects of playing two days of a higher level tournament.  Poor Cara could hardly move after all the dives she did at second base; a fly took out Jeff's vision - pretty crucial aspect as pitcher; and there were numerous knee and arm injuries due to the cold weather and intermittent play. Plus we were missing our head coach who had to retreat to North Wales. 

Bit different to two weeks before at Nottingham.  Here's Chad, Matt, Jack and Tad looking slightly cold.

The first two games were against two established teams - The Greensox and Lions.  It was not pretty; however, the Bobcats got back into their stride by their third game against team Thunder (who went on to win the tournament).  The Bobcats put up a good fight, boosting the team's confidence and de-frosting limbs.  Off the pitch Mike Ashley called in to deliver some good coaching advice.
Well, we now know how the Bobcat Tournament Manager keeps her spirits up.

 The final game was for the plate.  The Bobcats stood in 6th place out of 8 - a fantastic result considering that no-one expected the Bobcats to feature anywhere but bottom.  Again the Bobcats faced the Mavericks for another intensifying game that ended 3-1 to the Mavericks. 

The Manchester FirstBall was an electrifying tournament and the Bobcats were thrilled to be a part of it.  Everyone was extremely welcoming and the Bobcats achieved what they set out to do – they made a very good impression in the North-West and proved they are an upcoming team to watch.  The team learnt so much from the experience and now have a lot of training to do before the next Comp Tournament in Leeds in June.  Here are a selection of photos from the day.

Sap and Chris wrapped up while doing the line up and scoring.
Matt limbering up with a ball shake.
Quentin up to bat, and Kate on deck.
Jayne at bat, with Captain Sap looking on.
Rhi running to third, with Pete hot on her tail.
Pete just managing to make it to first.
Quentin passing third base for yet another Home Run, pushed on by Matt.
Pete again closely making first base.
The team congratulating Quentin after a Home Run.
Chad, Trentm Chris, Jeff, Shelia and Cara at Frankie and Benny's have a much deserved drink.
Chad, Sapin, Chris and Quentin braving the buses of Didsbury.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Seven’s a magic number

The second week of outdoor training and the Bobcats were joined by seven new faces – including four ladies.  It is a very encouraging start to the season, especially for the new upcoming Bobcat Intra-Club League due to start in June, and a credit to the marketing campaign that seems to be paying off.

East Midlands FirstBall Tournament 2012

Just three days after the first outdoor training session the Bobcats attended their first tournament for 2012.  The Bobcats arrived early to assess the competition and to warm up (which was achieved just by walking to the pitches that were positioned a long way from the club house ... and toilets).  It was a glorious day, unexpectedly so which is why no-one brought sun-cream.  
Quentin and Sap were the captains for the day.  Sap sorted out the batting line-up while Quentin led the warm-up.  The pterodactyl reared its head for the first time in 2012 and boy, did it sound good.  The calls could be heard echoing around the pitches. 

Sapin calling the line up.

 Quentin and Chad.

Based on past experiences the Bobcats were entered into the Rec Tournament along with the RedBacks, the Alea Alleycats, Royals 2, and the Brewers. Despite their intense winter training the Bobcats were uncertain what lay for the day ahead.  The team consisted of a mix of returning and new players of mixed abilities, but with Bobcat enthusiasm and determination.

 2012 Bobcats!

The Bobcats were up against the Redbacks.  First up to bat was the Bobcat’s new pitcher Dylan Crosby, who despite a weak knee hit an instant home run.  It started the day with a bang.  Chad and Tad soon followed suit and the game finished 13-3 to the Bobcats. It was exactly what the team needed after four months of training.

 Dylan after scoring his first home run for the Bobcats.

The rest of the day was filled with similar situations.  Home runs by Jhune Ordona, Dan Paine, Jeff Nash, Quentin Young, Meg Gallahan, Chris Williams and Pete Burgess.  Amazing catches by Jack Crosby, Alhieza Perez-Dela Paz, Kate Miller and great base running by Trent Nash, Jane Welsh and Rich Dumbill. The Bobcats were on fire!  

 The Home Run Kings and Queens!

Off the pitch Pete broke the new batting stick, which proceeded to fly into the field during play causing much amusement to those at 3rd and short-stop who were almost taken out by a flying ball on a stick; Chris brought a bbq feast to be proud off – although the disposable bbqs smoked out the third game; and Quentin and Pete disappeared for 2 hours in the middle of the day – it was reported they were in the toilets playing Nintendo 3DS. 

 Pete and Quentin - bromance!

The day was a huge success on all accounts (apart from the sunburn).  The Bobcats won the final by 27-3 and the Rec tournament.  Not a bad result considering the Bobcats almost won the wooden spoon in 2011.  
 Quentin, Alex and Sap collecting the Rec Tournament trophy.

So with their first tournament under their belt, what will the Bobcats go on to achieve in 2012.  Watch this space.  Here are some photos from the day:

 Dylan seconds before his home run - you can just see the intense concerntration!

 Tad and Dan on the sidelines enjoying the glorious sunshine.

Dan, Chad, Dylan and Tad.
 Captains please ...

 Our fantastic scorer Chris!

Team talk led by Quentin Young.

 Alhieza on third, with base coach Pete.

 Meg in action!

 Kate M safe at first.

Pete on his way to a home run, directed by base coach Jack.

Meg's first home run of the season.

Tense stuff on the sidelines.

Our growing fan base!

It was a good day - tiring, but good.

New venue for after training drinks

Just as important as the training session is the 'after training drink'.  Last year the Bobcats met at the White Swan, Edgbaston every week from April to October.  In all that time the Bobcats were never recognised or thanked for their custom.   In fact the only time the bar staff spoke to them it was to complain about their sports clothing.  So the Bobcats decided to boycott the said pub and find a new watering hole. 
First on the list is the Proverbial in Harborne – stay tuned to find out if this will be the lucky establishment.